We are a light, a guide, the beacon that always accompanies the path of our clients; because success depends on being able to see clearly where we are, what we want and where we want to go. That vision is the key to fulfilling a dream.
Our agency develops a 360 communication, to give the maximum facilities to our clients, a wide and varied range of profiles with their different needs.
Since the incorporation of new technologies, AI and BIG DATA, the digital world and the ability to create and use intelligent digitized algorithms and profiles, our company is already a leader in the new 2.0 advertising of the new DIGITAL century but without losing
the best of the face-to-face.
We highlight the following services, but our project is alive, it is organic and has been fed since 2000 with new challenges, which we incorporate as our clients want to explore new fields and objectives.
Comprehensive Communication Agency, specialized in the creation of 360 communication strategies for the correct communication of companies, startups, SMEs, institutions, businesses, etc. Design and implementation of the strategy both offline and online, combining more than 20 years of experience at an international level and taking care of all our clients from the first moment so that they can meet their objectives in terms of branding. and positioning.
In addition, a large group of journalists is put at the service of the client for the writing of texts, notes, communications, articles, etc. generating an excellent relationship with the media. Adapting them in turn to the new SEO positioning needs.
Design and implementation of creative actions, such as the complete design of a brand's branding, or actions to adapt its corporate image to the present, rebranding. Packaging design, outdoor advertising, signage, logos, brands, etc.
Design, creation, coordination, contracting with suppliers, relations with the press, etc. everything necessary to design and carry out a fully controlled event that adapts to the objectives of the event and of the firm.
Volvo Ocean Race. Agencia Año Cero Comunicación. Organización de Eventos
Agencia Año Cero Comunicación - Organización de eventos - ION GUGGENHEIM
Agencia Año Cero Comunicación- Organización de Eventos- Presentación uniformes SUPER AMARA
Volvo Ocean Race. Agencia Año Cero Comunicación. Organización de Eventos
Design of the audiovisual communication strategy for an advertising campaign, branding, social action campaigns, etc. coordinating the selection of suppliers, creation of the storyboard, selection of spaces, etc. to create audiovisual pieces in accordance with the objective of the project and in total harmony with the client's communication strategy.
Design and execution of Ad-hoc advertising campaigns for each client, controlling from its origins to supervising the implementation of each creative. Procedures for the contracting of advertising inserts in the media (on-line, television, large content dissemination platforms, traditional press, magazines, social networks, etc.)
Management, publication and monitoring of campaigns on Social Networks, designed from the outset and following the brand's communication strategy at all times. Measurement of results and daily adjustment of contents and objectives.
Design of digital marketing strategies adapted to the needs and demands of each client, focused at all times on the correct achievement of results and with a clear and marked objective from the beginning according to the global communication campaign.
Design of the structure of the web, content management, start-up and monitoring of the result. Websites for specific actions, e-commerce, brand image, etc.
Direct and close relationships with the main opinion leaders, stakeholders, influencers, institutional representatives, etc. as well as representatives of the different media, cinema, culture, actors and actresses, etc.
Accompaniment to our clients so that they can develop social action campaigns focused on the creation of actions and design of business strategies, to create the minimum impact on the environment during the correct management and development of their business activity. Suggesting at all times actions to safeguard and promote the circular economy of its industries, employees, etc.
Institutional, political, business crisis communication management, as well as for relevant personalities, businessmen, influencers, etc. For this, the creation of a strategy for the defense of the client stands out to improve its image in the media and before the general public, creating positive content that eliminates the negative communication that has been promoted from external elements. Creation of a global crisis communication strategy, integrated at all times into the general communication strategy, which evaluates possible risks and guides the client or company at all times in their movements to be able to solve any communication threat as quickly as possible and thereby generating, in turn, positive communication and reinforcement of the client's position.